Lisa Parish's Portfolio
Scoundrels image

Feature Films

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Special Blu-ray 2-Disc

Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Special Blu-ray 2-Disc Set pulses with heart pounding excitement, and truly is a treasure beyond compare.

Lisa Parish performed visual art, pre-production work, image enhancement, and conversion into high-definition format for Herzog Cowen Entertainment.

The images are in the Bonus Features Games & Activities: "Scoundrels of the Sea". This interactive documentary is a joy to watch. It is filled with many wonderful images covering everything you can imaging about pirates: The Legends and lore, famous pirates, pirate ships, voyages, weapons, clothing, songs, haunts, treasure and More...

The Beyond High Definition features of this Special 2-Disc Set excel at its visuals, and does an incredible job of allowing the high-definition presentation to illustrate its magic. The transfer here is exceptional and the film's color palate is eye-popping - from the lush greens of native forests to the soft blues of island bays. The special effects and CG are stunning, and the action sequences are amazing. It is the benchmark for HD visuals.

Captain Jack Sparrow image

The Princess Bride DPR Edition image

The Princess Bride - Dread Pirate Edition 2006.

This film is a satirical spin on swashbuckling adventure with over-the-top characters, and a winking acknowledgement of its cliches. It has become one of the best loved romantic fables.

Lisa Parish performed visual art, pre-production work and image enhancement on images in "The Princess Bride" Special Feature "The Dread Pirate Roberts Greatest Legend of the Seven Seas" for Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

Journey to a time when real men fought to the death - but only after they crossed shrieking eel-infested lagoons, climbed the Cliffs of Insanity, and survived the infamous Fire Swamp and more! And for what, but only the most beautiful woman named Buttercup! - and, the adventure! More...