Games and Models
RacecarDriver, by Lisa and Sandy Parish - 5 Star Reviewed

RacecarDriver is our new 3D mobile racing game available on iTunes and Google Play. RacecarDriver lets you use the tilt of your mobile device to steer, accelerate and brake. It's a mobile game where you are the driver, and can race against AI-Controlled (AI is Artificial Intelligence) cars. There are six racing cars with different colors to choose from, two different types of race tracks, and 5 difficulty levels.
RacecarDriver is a game that one person can play, without a WiFi connection. The game uses tilt control for steering, acceleration and braking that gives you the feel of operating a real race car. It works on Apple and Andriod devices. See our home page at, click on the button to download.

Check out our demo:
LISANDIA Racing Car Red No. 5 3D, by Lisa Parish

LISANDIA Stock Racing Car Blue No. 2 3D, by Lisa Parish

Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), by Lisa Parish

Hurricane Sandy 3D, by Lisa Parish

Rhino 3D, by Lisa Parish

T-Rex 3D, by Lisa Parish

Atlantis World Game Concept:
"I am inspired by my love of Jules Verne's classics, special effects/animator supreme: Ray Harryhousen, the story of King Solomon's Temple, and tales of Atlantis. Therefore, I have created a concept for one level of a Role Playing Game(RPG). The game design is for a single player for use on a mobile device." - Lisa ParishGame Title: "Atlantis World - The Quest for King Solomon's Treasure"
It is a game of adventure, and conquest. The object of the game is to get the treasure. The challenge is to battle the sea monsters protecting it.King Solomon was the wisest and richest person of his time. It was rumored long ago that the king had built many fine palaces throughout the world. Many of his treasures have yet to be found.

The Kings Treasure Room 3D Environment, by Lisa Parish
Type of Game:
Atlantis World is a First Person View, 3D orthographic game to be played on a mobile device.Level 1:
The Game Begins:
The scene starts when the player finds a map to chart their course for adventure. They must travel to a location on the map. There they meet with what first appears to be a sea serpent, but is actually the Dragon Starship/Submarine. It takes them 10,000 fathoms down to Atlantis World.
Cosmic Athena's Dragon Starship/Submarine 3D, by Lisa Parish

Dragon Starship/Submarine Shields 3D, by Lisa Parish
In Atlantis World they are escorted to a Royal Palace.

Atlantis World Palace 3D, by Lisa Parish
There they meet the King and Queen. The King is a descendant of King Solomon. The Queen is the incarnation of the goddess Athena. It has been a well guarded secret that King Solomon had hidden a vast fortune in underwater mines.

The King and Queen tell the player that they have been chosen for a Quest to bring back King Solomon's Treasure, save Atlantis World, and gain their prize.
How the Game is Played:
The player must first choose an avatar to begin the quest from the following characters:
Knight, King, Warrior Queen, or Raider

Cosmic Athena: Warrior Queen 3D, by Lisa Parish
The player begins the quest by going to the Temple to look for clues that will lead them to "King Solomon's mines". There they will look for gold, jewels, and other precious resources to fill the vaults of Atlantis World.
Clues: Finding clues takes you further on your quest.

Atlantis World Temple 3D, by Lisa Parish
Atlantis World Temple Door and Alter
Player scores points by filling a valut (percentage bar). There are four storage vaults in the Temple Courtyard, and a Treasure trove in the Palace.
Sea Cave Battle:
Sea Monsters crawl in and out of hidden places in the labyrinth of the mines. Avatars are awarded health (life) points for hitting a sea monster with a weapon. You win a treasure bonus by destroying the monster. Health is lessened if the monster strikes the avatar. If you run out of health bar, life is lost.
Cave Scene with Kraken 3D Model, by Lisa Parish

Kraken 3D Right

Kraken 3D Left

Kraken 3D Model_01
Kraken 3D Concepts by Lisa Parish:

Kraken Concept_01

Kraken 3D Concept_02

Kraken 3D Concept_03
Weapons (standard):
Warrior Queen: Lance, Shield
Knight: Long Sword, Shield
Raider: Cutlas

Cosmic Athena's 3D Shield in Unity, by Lisa Parish
The shield is worn by Cosmic Athena in battle. It bears the head of a Gorgon, provides powerful protection, and produces a sound as from a myriad of roaring dragons.
In App Purchases help to monetize the game
Ads: Banner ads
Health Packs
Weapons (purchase):
Ray Gun
Neptune Trident (staff)
Custom Swords, Cutlas, or Daggars
Armor adds to your health(life) bar.
Weapons increase your chance of winning in battle.
You can sell back weapons or armor at a discount to put toward purchasing other weapons or armor.
"Atlantis World, The Quest for King Solomon's Treasure". Game Concept, Artwork, Models and Wireframes copyright Lisa Parish 2015.
"Pirate Wizard", by Lisandia LLC
Pirate Wizard is the first interactive coloring book that lets you design your own pirate.
Lisa Parish is the Creative Director, and Artist for the prototype game: "Pirate Wizard", by Lisandia LLC "Originally, I drew the images by hand. I vectorized them so they could be edited in Adobe Illustrator for use in the HTML 5 prototype. Then, I converted the images to fxg files for use in the game." - Lisa Parish
Set sail for adventure
Ahoy, Matey! The Pirate Captain invites you to come aboard and become the Pirate Wizard.
This interactive game allows you to be the maker of your very own pirates.
"My husband, Sandy created the experimental "Pirate Wizard" Flex/Actionscript game to test Flex's performance and viability as a mobile gaming platform.
This avatar builder allowed the user to design and build a custom pirate by selecting various parts and coloring them. The user could put the pirate into one of the environments I created, send a personal message by assigning custom text to their text bubble, and share the image on Facebook." - Lisa Parish.
You can name your pirate, and design your own adventures with them.
You get to choose a scene to put them in, and create a story behind it, and more...and oh, did I mention, you can talk like a pirate? Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
- Pirate Queen